Please do not converted my works to The Sims 3 or The Sims 4. Ask me and I'll do it for you. Please read my TOU. Have a nice day:)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

TS3 School Set

Updated for patch 1.26

This set was fixed with "TSR Pets CC Bug Fixer" tool and is compatible
with 1.26 patch now

Sims3Pack and Package:


  1. Очень порадовало,что портфели разные))

    1. Спасибо за комментарий и визит)

  2. Helen, I'm guessing first that there will be a language barrier, but still wanted to send this. I was trying to down-load your school set, but these links say that the file was deleted, so if there is any way to get a copy of that set for SIMS 3, I've was able to download a set, but it seems that the set conflicts with each other.

  3. I wanted to download this to go with a school that's available on MTS but, when I clicked to download it, I got a popup to allow something called gestyy. I clicked deny and it popped up with something about allowing some movie to be downloaded, Kingdom something? I have no wish to download anything other than this item and certainly no movie or app that can invade my PC. Can you explain what is going on here, please?
